Friday, June 6, 2008

Charlatan Ball

This is a new comic from Joe Casey that looks and feels groovy. I have never heard of Andy Suriano but the art has a Kirby flavor with the added incentive of modern coloring. Everything about this book feels over the top fun, and it sure as hell has me hooked already, without even reading an issue. But thats what previews are for.

Here's how Image describes it

Story by Joe Casey
Art by Andy Suriano

Meet Chuck Amok, a down-and-out stage magician pumping the sleaze 'n' peanut circuit. When he and his trusty rabbit, Caesar, are transported to a reality where magic actually works, Chuck’s showbiz compulsions take on a whole new meaning. But why was this wayward chucker picked? Only the vile Demon Empty knows for sure! Take your comic book rulebook and tear it up, y'all! This is graphic fiction on shrooms, True Believer!

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